The SE-701 is a microprocessor-based ground-fault monitor for resistance-grounded and solidly grounded systems. It is uniquely suited for use on systems with significant harmonic content. Its output relay can operate in the fail-safe or non-fail-safe mode for undervoltage or shunt-trip applications. The SE-701 has one output relay with isolated normally open and normally closed contacts for use in independent control circuits. Additional features include LED trip, power, and inhibit indication, autoreset or latching trips with front-panel and remote reset, trip memory, test button, self diagnostics, 0- to 5-V analog output, inputs for ground-fault current sensors, CT verification for EFCT-series current sensors, digital selector switches, switch-selectable algorithms for fixedfrequency or variable-frequency applications, and an inhibit that can be enabled to prevent the output relay from operating during a high-current ground fault.
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